The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

7flp 77m 5 (1720) IRAHSPOEIATiOH (1720J TRANSPOBIATION (1720) TUNSPOITATIOII (1720) TRAHSP0BIAT1OH (1720)IRANSP08IAII0H TftAHSPOKTATION (1720) 3 (1720) TRAKSP0BTAT101I (IMS) Sport Car (1970) Cadillac Chevrolet (1910) Ford (1820) Foreign Can dour, (1930) Mercury (1940Oldmoblle (I960) Pontlac mm Truth A Trailer JO' $th Wheel Troller, 1 Tandem axle troller, I utility troller. Reasonable pricesi 746-2175. WRECKER 'tO GMC, 480 Holmes, 17,000 miles. Good condition. 110,150.

310-377-4033, Mlnden 77 $1995 -n luv ii7j 3 SIS '7J DATSUN 11195 74 F'Ji0 U9i UNITED AUTO ft TRUCK 3000 W. 70th 687-2525 (1810) 11 DATSUN 2MIX Turbo, lloht brown with beloe leather irv 7'' fA68-3: or 869 3224 ll FIAT SPIDER J0 Convertible, looded. Call 636-3660 or 425-1544 VW.UA Kauj Gray with block Interior, 19,000 wirn'oMo miles, speed omfm cassette tie. CImb car. Price 17995.

222-3906. Alter 6 coll Calvin, 742-1477 lift At A A FA Blue With bThlo? 500 13. miles, 4 speed with olr, omfm. price swvs. za jws.

After 6, call colvin, 742-1477 10 WHITE MGB ROADSTER 6,000 miles, AMFM cassette, 318-263-2909 or 263-1460 nii mi in 71 PORCHE TAROA $8500 FIRM. 686-0834 snoruc hit i rk. to buy ond excellent car. Must D-l- In nnH out. $7800 or best otter.

925-2455 356A PORSCHE, mechanl- cally sound, $8400. '72 Soab Sonetl I I rare 2 seat sports ear, exc. conamon, many extras, $sou. vr-rm '81 PORSCHE 924 WEISSACH EDITION. 3,000 miles.

$18,000. 8 months remain- tng warranty. 797-5985 open lam-eom we finance 76 MONARCH olr, cylinder, new valve lob. 11495. 929-4273 71 XR-J, extra clean, 302, 10325.

MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742-7391 (1940) Oldemoblle CutLASS SUPREM? BROUGHAM COUPE, am-trn with tilt rrlu electric seots ond windows. Rah ly sport wheels. Need to sell. S2S50. Coll Mr.

Phorr S6S-5353 rism 60 CUTLASS 4 door 1U95 '76 CutlMS Supreme $2995 76 TORANADO $2895 Low or No Money Down or Spot Financing. New Credit Slow Credit No Credit Anthony's Auto Sales 1625 King. Hwy 636-g23 BY OWNER. 78 Delta Royal $4000 or best offer 746-7504 7Q rnt4m 10 LUSTOm CrUtSer WIFE'S CAR, seats, loaded. ii.uw mues, excellent condl' Hon.

$6500. 686-0422 '76 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM COUPE, low mileage, 1 owner, new tires, tilt. cruise, vinyl too, showroom 868-1009 ooent. lunuiiiun. miju.

ion mr. nntiam Truck A Trailer BY OWNER '63 Ford SWB ond camper cover, $975, 405-4114 area! shape, '0 CHEVROLET PICKUP, Vl ton SWB, 305 V-l, outo, power, olr, MJO0 miles, 448-0470 '59 HON CHEVROLET Tulsa 2J winch, oilfield bed, oood tires, recently overhauled. $2500. 318-223-4699 or Olttr 30pm I-37S-2933 81 Ton Chevy 1500 miles. 407661 "UClV Am IH tncVT 4X4 I2J00.

1-J77-0284 377-625J '67 CHEVY, LWB, 5675. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742 7391 II CHEVY TON PICKUP With shell, V-l. 3 speed, power steering ond brakes, less than 10,000 miles, factory warranty. $7,995. 869-1441 49 CHEVY Vt Ton, long wheel base pickup, with 74 Chevy engine In good running condition.

797-7236 otter 5pm SO CHEVY SILVERADO. SWB. cruise control, all power, dual tanks, excellent condition. 16,850. Call 869-1942 77 CHEVY 4X4 With winch.

12000. 1-263-1032 2 73 CHEVi PICKUPS i cylinder. I 71 FORDS, 6 cylinder. All have utility beds. $695 to J99S.

Reavls Oarage, 635-6441 i i- (1810) Will trade for onvthlna Oilfield Trailers Brand New 4 axles, 3 axles, Tandem floats. In stock or will build to your specs. 688-5394 Oilfield Truck Mlit 73 1 Autocar, 290 Cummins, Wil3U- AntlquS Clattle '77 CUTLASS SUPREME 300-COUPE, am-fm stereo with Pnon "'-3304 after 3pm tope, vinyl top. Roily spoke '70 PLYMOUTH FURY III wheels. Must wcrlflce, $2950.

4 door, good condition Coll Mr. Jones, 869-1009 ooent $700....: Phone 631-7576 '67 CAMARO 11 CtievT iruH CU5TOM, rr.irr SuiiminV WOI. 995-V-l, auto, air, power, 3 tone i'1k-JKnSf ADU Financing Avollablt paint, extra nice truck. Must seH l17W- 797-2978 or B61-3082 Hullett Used Cors $1650. Call Terry 868-5353 ogent.

SPECIAL Gooseneck Tandem J00 i 7th 144711 74 NOVA door, 4 cvl, 54.000 miles, air, new tires. Showroom Condition, $2450. 635-4184. NOVA. $4295 '78 CHEVETTB $j2v5 rr munis CARLO $4993 71 IMPALA WAGON 13395 shreve auto sales mansf road ticAA wAAaT COM VVrtUUIN Auto, olr, less thon 40,000 miles, oo-jo or 00-1 li.

WILLIAMSON CHEVROLET ftf" Blue aii ..,1 Real supr Buy s49. Vivian, La. Open Sot. till noon Port Phone, 424-2241 Hvwna Urr.j 1 A Soles, 2903 W. 70th, 687-7001 (1890) Chrylart 78 ivjyj 11 LUKDOBA SMSS Low or No Money Down or Spot pinri-irirui MeMev rmn aui Financing.

New Credit Slow Anthonv's Auta Snle 1625 Kings Hwv 6364033 '71 CHRYSLER, $400. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC YOUR Complete Chrysler Store. ON THE SPOT FINANCING ANTHONY-SCYMORE LMRYSLER CENTER 200 E. Union Mlnden, LO, Port Phone: 221-0683 Mlnden Phone: 371-0110 Hours: (1595; Dattun BEST GAS MILEAGE, fcPA Winningham ir 227-1185 77 DATSUN F-10 Speed, new tires, $2500 Must sell. 865-3085 mt vm Jvn iv jiuiivii wvvtt 0lr, radio, 21,000 miles, good mpg, $5400.

746-3963 after Som (1900) Dodge Ha AtotM uaAAh Vt Inaw mv nA oVVT ajo2 rVli Credli No CredH S'W Anthony's Auto Soles 1625 Kings Hwy 636-6023 71 CORONET, 4 door, steering, olr, super clean, 62,216 orlolnni sum ASA.H17S it iii (1910) Ford tTTTd II $3995 76 GRANADA Ghta $2395 Financing. New Credit Slow Credit No Credit Anthonv's Auto Sales 1625 Kings Hwv t3Ma Avis Rent-A-Car SELLING 79 MODELS 5207 Monkhouse Dr. 631-1839 '82 EXP SPORT COUPE Stock m. 5108 Automatic, pmtr steer- 2ir AM-FM With ail, mil I 111 nilll A A A MCCPTTO CTrinPC iniwii wpv whiipuy List. $9241 567 700 tit nicMlint WltfWUUIISi Rebate MM4aii plus 3 with tower, 16 front, 44 rear, 17' Dovetail bed, M-30 uroaen wincn (repuiitf, gooa ruooer, gooa condition with ex- tra neavy aury oilfield float, trtrA iAnrflllAmiAAil euMu $39,500 for polr.

688-5394 lPICKUP ft RIFLE 75 150-VI Chevrolet, Step-side, u.itk i kw uM Du01 32 SPECIAL 44' 8' double drop float. 3) 20.000 LB Air AX Call 214-647-4250 INC refrlg- (1) 1971 STRICK 40 ft. erator trailer, 1000x20 tires, i i i-i. Tl Will MIUUTII IWI niU MIIW Ul 11, 1J.U?7 International i m. speea, rr- i rvi $wirw A ft Ml ifw, wuf to Tl Flatbed, $4000 (1) 1975 IHC, 1600, V-l Gas, 18 ft.

flatbed, $5000 WE TRADE! WE FINANCE! WE BUY USED TRUCKS! I 1-20 West Between Exits 8 A 5 Local: 938-7931 WHEN vou have looked every where for a truck come to Steve's-Buy one and save. We also buy trucks at Wholesale. Hwy 71 S. 747-0873. 77 TOYOTA PICKUP, 5 speed, white spokes, roll bar, 46,000 miles, $3000.

687-3327 WANTED TO BUY Clean, low mileage pickup. 865-6511 WELDING RIG F354 With SA200 Amp Lincoln. Ready to work! Call 949-2567 (1820) Foralgn Car WE BUY VW's and I Owner Domestics MOffltT VW 746-2175 WRAY IMPORTS MG-TRIUMPH-FIAT Cash for 1 Owner Sport Cars 306 Market 424-5233 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 75 OLDS CUTLASS Air, AM-FM, 11795. Moor Bit- WImk OO.OJll Swii rt rurml ZL2 1.50or' Financing AvallobM Mfl 70th ULerti 74 OLDS REGENCY COUPE, iTauiJjt i0, Terry $68-5354 ogent. 76 OLDS REGENCY, fully equipped, $1850.

We finance H. L. Motors No. I 235 West 70th 0LDi REGENCY, oil the' "car '80 TORONADO Like new, fully loaded, yellow' brown 'o, brown leather Interior. 24,600 Miles, tun new car worrantv thru 36,000 miles.

$11,500. 688-4198. (1950) Plymouth '70 PLYMOUTH Burned Valve, $300. 949-3844 '67 PLYMOUTH (19 SO) Pontlac IV. P.M DD1V 74 GRAN.1 Bn.

a u-rotf. rc I BOLAR AUTO 5ALES 3126 Llnwood CATALINA $3295 'Low or, No Money Down or Spot New crt0, 5i0w Credit No Credit Anthony's Auto Soles 1625 Kings Hwy 636-6023 73 BLACK PONTIAC GRAN-VILLE. New mags. Pioneer. '79 BONNEVILLE $5295 78 GRAND LEMANS $3595 80 $5995 '80 SUNBIRD $4695 SHREVE AUTO SALES 8198 MANSFIELD ROAD 687-3636 74 FIREBIRD, 1 Lady Owner 350 V-l, loaded, drives great.

will Trnd AAA-AAnn 74 GRAND PRIX LJ, wnf bucket seats, electric seats and win dows, am-fm stereo with tape, new tires, tilt, cruise. Must sell. $2150. Call Mr. Jones 869-1009 ogent', '77 GRAND PRIX, T-tops, outo, air, power, am-fm stereo, wire wheels, need to sell, $2750.

Call Lrov 869-4246 ogent. 7 GRAND PRIX Good eondl ou," olr' 1i7i- co" -6'. 74 LE MANS COUPE, sharp! Financing arranged by phone. Coody's E. Texas 742-4900 'II PHOENIX $6999 i urano uemuns wr '80 LeMans $5699 Shreveport Regional Airport 636-1212 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CUSTOMIZED VANS! 1881 BODGE CUSTOM VAN! 12,949.10 S4.00800 11000.00 10949.10 Cast Dm.

BioaUfi Kl MONTH FOI 49 MONTHS Total prmts: 12.50).36. Fiona ctertr. U550.78, Deterrad teyant $13,507.11. ANNUM KICtNIASE MTE 17.50 Eou(pHl wtttt ICS iricfi wtieal ttner crbdv, 4 speed owtivt FULLY CUSTOMIZED! 16 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! a i Car luSZjAa.w.1 Ust Met tfeawt 74 GRAND PRIX, am-fm. ster eo wnn tape, Hcrny took! wheel.

Must sacrifice, 11(50. Call Mr. Brown 666-uu event. 74 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, fully equipped, aluminum wneeis, must sacrifice, $2350. Coll Tom 866-3519 ooent.

71 GRAND PRIX, 301 V-l. Looded, Will Trode. Belgt and wnite, New Tires, 686-6680 SUNBIRO 2-door, air, rodlo, low mileage, excellent condition, $5)50, call eve-nlngs 797-9310 79 TRANS AM, 4.6 litre, hooker headers, Goodyear Eogle tires, pioneer stereo. 311-251-1346 '80 TURBO TRANS AM W.000 miles, T-top, Pioneer AM-FM cassette, extras. Asking $8600.

Coll 746-7396 or 797-2935 (1965) Toy! c-kLiiA dr Ltftback mU condition, sun-roof, onvfm radio, olr, spid, 15,000 miles. One Owner, $7291 Call 797-6513 78 COROLLA 4 speed, olr, AM, Excellent condition. $3900. 965-0351 'K COROLLA $5499 '80 CELICA ST Shreveport Regional Airport 636-1212 74 COROLLA. Looks bod, runs good or trode.

635-6878 '10 SUPER CELICA good eondl-tlon, new tires, white-blue In-terlor, ossume notes, 686-4054 74 TOYOTA STATION WAGON Air, power. Good condltlonl $1895. Call 797-0405. 'II TOYOTA CELICA OT Llftback. Loaded.

12,000 mllis. 87SO0. 687-8561 (1970) Volkawagan 62 HUNTING VW Runs good, $500 cash only 742-0428 ONE OWNER 70 Volkswooen. New motor CIO), complete brake lob, new muffler 8 new tires C81), excellent condition. $2200.

Coll 919-7164 or 929-2139 74 RABBIT 54,000 miles, good condition $1750. Call 172 7070 '66 VW STATION WAGON Nice Interior. $500. 686-1466. 71 Super Bettle First 81250 686-3734 74 SUPER BEETLE.

AMFM. iron, x-tra strong engine, clean. $2250. 227-9698 70 VOLKSWAGEN BUG Runs, needs some body work. $S0O 742-1731 66 VW MUDBUG rHInn I.

trtW'm bmS' 1 71 VW SUPER BUG excellent condition. $1295. Dixie Import, 222-7424 Wanted VW Thing Coll 949-3347 Buyl Sell! 4 Repalrl VW's Wico Automotive 5609 W. CANAL 635-5341 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY '79 CELICA $5838. 74 CONTINENTAL $1BS8 78 $1368 '73 DELTA 88 $1288 '76 "79 $535ff '76 '76 $2998 '76 '75 tountry $178? '78 '77 COUGAR.

$3869 '77 $2559 '79 0-50 Pickup. $4889 '79 Datuxi S4379 '79 B-200 $5499 '79 Oodge $5229 '79 Chevy Pickup $999 '81 Van (15 $10,998 '78 MONACO $3289 '79 ST. REGIS $5939 '71 Intern! $988 '79 ASPEN $5119 '78 Trans Van. $5229 '80 Dodge Pickuo. $4661 '77 $1398 '75 $1jjj mif 227-1234 nitlmtMXXt Am.

Car i sranoara, Nice car! H4V5 Lowor No Money Down or Soot 2 P1'' slow Crtdlt No Credit Anthony's Auto Soles 1625 Kings Hwy 6364011 ASSUME LEASE risrs tT'VurirsiTii per month. 172-1194 or 14-4159 74 FIAT 124 Spider, convertible. $2275. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742-7391 Complete Foreign ft Domestic Repair end Molntolnonce 4920 Mansfield Rd 635-7160 '71 HONDA ACCORD Air AMFM8Trock, new tires, 5 Lunuiiiun. ww ur win negotiate 797-4042 76 Honda Accord soeed.

air. rea; oat. Averooe loan $2675, average retail $3775. Sole $2950. 742-3986 or 746-3944.

'jlP 1 IMPORT Transmissions, start- dard and automatic, exchanged or rebuilt. Also used ports Ed Transmission 420 E. 70th m.i 76 AAOZdQ WagOtl $1500. Call 949-4643 nA i.n bv i 79 Mazda RX7 GS 87000 or best. 688-3119 '80 MAZDA RZ-7 LS White with brown leather In.

Till 1 terlor, 5 speed, removable sunroof, every other available op tion. 16,000 miles. vnvi i wii i caii K-rwi $1450. 688-2099 '77 MAZDA GLC air, radio, ooods tires. $2500.

949-3776 Houghton mi ur.R nuuito nir. 10,000 miles, excellent condition, $7800. After 6, 845-6730 77 MGB g0 36XJ00. Must sell. $3000.

674-5761 or 869-3664 after 5PM 73 MGB Roadster 4 speed transmission with electric overdrive, am-fm, foctory air, wire wheels, both boots, engine needs overhaul but could be easily restored. Asking $1000 or best offer. Call 686-1652 after 6om or 861-7727 Days. weekends, 424-5507 81 SUBARU GLF outo, all power, white, only 2200 miles, $7400, Mon-Frl, 8650251, nights-weekends 865-7832. 10 SUBARU BRAT GL 4x4, air, camper shell.

Best offer! Mlnden after 5, 1-377-8640. 74 SUBARU Air conditioner, new tires, $1200 or best offer. Coll 797-1100 (1825) Sport Car 70 PORSCHE 911T Red with black Interior, all original, excellent condition. $8400. Call Kevin 222-8417 1978 INDI Pace Car stored since new mileage 5,500 Tel.

No. (318) 326-5233. '80 230ZX, oil power, 5 speed, om-fm cassette, loaded! looded! looded! 810,900. 222-7402 70 PORSCHE 911T Red with black Interior, all original, excellent condition. $8400 Call Kevin 222-8417 ACtllUC EACC 81 Mercedes BenTiSSsL.

mid- mum uiuv, iuii iminvr, siun.ja per month. 222-1194 or 8654159 74 CORVETTE, am-fm stereo, customized, rally sport wheels. Must sell. $6500 Invested, will take $5000. Call Mr.

Brown, 868-5353 agent. SN1SsfVev(setAyyyy. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY '81 DODGE D-ISO PICKUP Utt prts. S7644.S4 S164S.0Q J599864 SS0S6.64 Tiit iik tm. Ctst Down BalMCt lo rnaiw.

Bte aod icense Per Bonth for 46 wnOs Tot! panwtts: S7176 08. Wmt imr. M026.08, Ttm darr $7027.44. ANNtll PERCENTAGE RATE; U.50S Equippsd witlc 225 6 trSnaer BtgiM. speed mm.

30 (ata to. oio tyf $wti step tunr. hieW Er. MOO 03 EVW piduge A' CHEVY TITAN Tractor, De- trolt- engine, fully eaulDoed and '0 DORSEY 42' flatbed trailer. excellent lonamon.

S3U.UUU. 742-9103 Of 635-7655. '71 COURIER Automatic, olr, camper shell, $2250. 687-2822 71 COURIER With camper shell $87S Phone 747-3581 CUSTOM BUILT TRAILERS ond Truck Beds. Any slie.

Ron- doll's Welding Serv. 925-4480 nm rX8CX. asking $4700. 687-8348 i juh rii.iuri wwu. e- tz i e-i bs rri ph mpo, 70,000 miles, 24' enclosed von bed, very good condition, Must sell immediately.

1-800-372-4803 68 DODGE V-l, tandard trans. $300 222-3005 '79 DODGE 1 Ton. Crew cab with 40 ft mini-float. Must Sell! 636-1678 79 FORD, LWB, air, $3900. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd.

BC 742-7391 76 FORD F-250, LWB, 4-speed. $1795. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742-7391 79 FORD Custom Explorer. air, $3795. Agent, 861-6540 71 FORD F-100 300 6 power, air, auto.

As Is! 82500. Phone 746-4217 71 FORD F-150, auto, air, LWB, Hiding back glass, white spoke' wheels, must sell $2850. Coll Mr. Brown 168-5354 ogent. 70 FORD TRUCK LWB, Good running condition.

81000. 949-6483 72 FORD PICKUP Good shape. Nearly new tires. $1100. XT, Reddy, 635-2113 '46 FORO, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, new mud tires, excellent condition.

Must sell! 861-1137 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Good condition. $2200. 687-4911, After 6 PM. '63 FALCON, 4 door Sedan, Stan- rinrfl. run.

nwH tlftm Ftrn ai-ini 50 PACKARD, 4 door Sedan. Steel-Blue Lnair. runt onnrf. ZJX' 222-0392 or 688-1680 All CCCnrt I i DADE 1X1 rUADACA New paint, tires, and battery. Excellent in ond out.

Must Seel C1 CTIinCtAlf CD Good condition, 42,800 miles. $1200 or Best Offer. 684-0432 I -T i r. JJ I'omu Reproduction Model. Alr.oll op- tlonal eoulomenf A nrrnrl Brand new.

$19,500. 318-352-5557. 352-5555 or 352-3515 '68, TKUNOERBIRD 4 door. No rust. Perfect to re-store.

Complete. $750. 686-5526 (1840) Van But 76 CHEVY GOOD TIMES VAN $3200. 925-0706 toWtSn', SwSrpasser, 0r front ond cargo back. in rueuv if au perfect for combination busl- ness personal.

Will satisfy new buyer at less than 12 price. $4000 firm. Coll 861-6606. 74 DODGE MAXI WINDOW VAN blue, carpeted, captain's seats, olr. 82900.

868-6218. 77 DODGE VAN. Automatic, air conditioner, power steering, 55,000 miles, clean. 746-7684 '77 GREEN Chevy Window Von, power steering and brakes, $3000. Call 165-7129.

(1850) American Motor II AMC SPIRIT $5699 Shreveport Regional Airport 636-1212 41 rambler laic 4 condition, price reduced to $895, -rr- "3 E. Robinson Place, 424-7804 '69 RAMBLER, 2 door, runs and drives good. Excellent trans- nnrtntmn mil T.rru 868-5353 aoenf (I860) Bulck leSabre 7S '77 SKYHAWK $3295 73 REGAL, loaded $1695 low or no Money Down or spot Financing. New Credit Slow Credit No Credit Anthonv's Auto Soles 1625 Kings Hwy 636-6023 BO ATTWOOD Bulck Pontlac GMC-Trucks Country Saving Deals 25 Miles N. on Hwv.

1 222-5506 77 GRANADA $2195 '7 no AM An A IIUI 75 ELITE 11495 76 PINTO 11395 75 MONTEGO W95 71 LTD 1595 74 LTD $2vS aa, willtrai Snv hi vc nil. iiuu. rw gnnnine 74 GRANADA 6 cylinder, outo- will trade down. 666-4880 71 4-DOOR GRANADA, ex cellent condition. By 631-9899 or 424-0324 LTD 4 door Sedan.

37,000 miles. i port No. 222-1970 71 LTD Auto, air, power. Clean. $2991 BAILIFF'S AUTO SALES "i iJ 74 LTD 4-door, air, Dowttr.

47,000 octual miles, like new. 11500. 635-4184 or 631-3604. 74 MAVERICK air, power, nice Financing arranged by phone. Coody's E.

Texas 742-4900 .74 MAVERICK, $1850. MILAM KSB1 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742-7391 73 MAVERICK, 6, air, auto. $850. MILAM KARS 3933 Benton Rd, BC 742-7391 78 MUSTANG II, 46,000 miles, new tires, gas saver, good con dltlon. $2895.

221-3396 75 MUSTANG II, radio with cassette player, air conditioned. Must sell, good buyl 687-1110 "67 MUSTANG 289 engine, olr, t-shlft. Good cond. $3500. 222-3981 47 MUSTANG.

289 engine. Stan- dard shift, nnrflnl ilnmnu $1200. Phone 865-2031 1 OWNER. 40.000 mll. 7A FORD LTD COUPE, auto.

olr. power, vinyl top, new tires, Hove to see to believe how nice It. $2650. Call Mr. Milam 868-3519 74 PINTO 4 cylinder, air, outo, am fm, $1050.

686-1307 '79 PINTO 2 door, 29,000 miles, 4 auto, air, $2965. 226-6755 or 865-1874. P'NTO WAGON. 4 speed. "Hf 8 trak, luggage rocK' cb, A-tra ciean, ow miles.

$4750. 227-9698 '77 BIRD wrecked on front end, broken A Frame. New motor with in fm mues. siw) tor car or suu tor imotoV ft tSnmlsoS 7431 moior i transmission. 746-0231 11 T-BIRD.

am-fm stereo th tape, electric seats and windows, split front seat, wire wheels, vinyl top, Must sell S3250. coll Tom 868-3519 agent, mii.m ium rA NO 70th (1920) Lincoln 781 CONTINENTAL 14.19? Low or No Money Down or Spot Financing. New Credit Slow irvun no irvair Anthony's Auto Soles 1625 Kings Hwy 636-6023 76 MARK IV, Low miles, Clean, $3595 Cash. Will Trode. Young's Auto 222-4743 76 CONTINENTAL MARK IV, fully loaded, dove gray, $3350.

Financing Available Hullett Used Cors 100 70th 141-9781 74 CONTINENTAL COUPE, all extras. Clean. $1950. Financing Available Hullett Used Car 300 70th 161-9711 (1930) Mercury '79 $4495 ta 4-m is a a i-r 19 uuur 00T3 76 MONTEGO $2695 LwNoM'oneV'Downor Spot Financing. New Credit Slow Credit No Credit Anthony's Auto Sales 1625 Kings Hwy 636-6023 81 CAPRI $6699 Shreveport Regional Airport 636-1212 74 CAPRI, 2O0OCC New motor.

$119S. Dixie Import, 222-7424 74 COUGAR Good condition. $1200 or best offer. 226-1283 or 929-3823 79 COUGAR XR7 Sliver with wine Interior, looded with options, almost new tires, outstanding condition, original owner, priced below blue book. Call 4168-4095 anytime Sat or Sun or after 6pm weekdays.

'7X rniiriAD vol Am-fm eo, outo, air, power, Rally spoke wheels, Must sell. $1850. Call Mr. Brown 868-5354 agent. 80 COUGAR XR-7 $5995 '80 ZYPHER $4795 '80 BOBCAT $4295 81 ZYPHER $6495 SHREVE AUTO SALES 8191 MANSFIELD ROAD 687-3636 69 MERCURY MONTEGO $400 746-2886 '77 MONARCH GHIA 2 door, omfm, new tires.

Bobk value $3500, will sell $2450. 688-2099 76 MONARCH, 4 door, olr, low mlleooe, vinyl roof, extras, 797-0542 or 221-0480 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY mm; mm aw iSLioi Effffi I ll i '77 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM COUPE, am-fm stereo with tope, air, power, Rally spoke wheels, Must socrl- lce, $2850. Call Rick $68-5353 agent. 78 rllTI ACC CIIDDCAAC COUPE, am-fm stereo, vlnvl top, Rally spoke wheels must $3950. Call Tom 168-3519 on' 73 CUTLASS SUPREME Good condition.

Air, am fm rodlo, 8 track, clean $495. 667-1666 'tl CUTLASS BROUGHAM. Loaded, leather Interior, only 4200 miles. Under warranty, $9850 or best otter. 925-2655 dr 4a rim acc i a attoo '81 CUTLASS SUPREME supreme $7699 636-1212 '79 CUTLASS BROUGHAM Olive green $6200 681-5880 '80 CUTLASS SUPREME 2 door.

small V-8. nil power. Wife's cor. Rally wheels. am-fm 8 frock, like new.

IA895 425-1713. After 5, 636-6705 rim ac tai aic 4,500 miles, warranty, velour 7-9098 72 DELTA 88, good cond need new vinyl top. $750 or best offer. 742-9502 or 227-0308, 9AM-6PM II DELTA II ROYALE Brougham. 2 Door, dies beige I with beige landau top.

Loaded. Excellent condition. 8,000 Miles. $9,900. 686-6458.

71 OELTA Must sell as is $275 or best offer. 631-7691 76 OLDS 91 REGENCY, 2-door hardtop, loaded. $2225. Financing Available Hullett Used Cars 300 70th 161-9711 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLOSE-GUT SPECIAL! 1981 ARIES-K 2 door ST 266754, 4 cylinder, vinyl interior, power disc brakes, 2.2 liter engine, tinted glass, air conditioning, vinyl body side moulding, 4 spaed, power steering, white wall tires KCWOKLY: plB lit inS kmt ANTKCNY SEYFJ8RE Chrysler Center Tost onpltti QrrAr sttrt! 200 E. Union Minden, La Slrsveport Hi 221-0883 pit 371-0118 AXmJAL Wtigd iloD I iai I 73 FLEETWOOD Excellent condition.

11200. 29-4672 II SEVILLE 9.400 octual miles. Foctorv war- ronry, all equipment. Will take trade. Coll 145-4511 or 122 HMO i Cttrro.H 'M CAPRICE tM 5 NANCE 3126 Llnwood 77 MONTE CARLO 77 MONTE CARLO 53495 76 nl i IS? 75 BALAIR $1395 Ai am 74 CAPRICE $1595 Low or No Money Down or Spot Financing.

New Credit Smw r.du n'a crii Anthony's Auto Sales 1625 Kings Hwy 3on Avis Rent-A-Car SELLING 793 MODELS 5207 Monkhouso Dr, 63MS39 '79 NOVA 6... Jj Voung's Awto CAMARO, extra nice I Financing orronged by phone. COOOv c. Texas '42-900 71 CAMARO Good condition, V-l, auto, air $1550 Call 949-0689 77 CAPRICE CLASSIC COUPE Extra Cleonl Am-Fm stereo. outo.

air. tilt, cruise. $3750. Call 929-2003 or 222-9511 Ext 228. 74 tAPOirc Aun.

AU 2 door hardtop. 62,000 miles. 18.6 mpg on hwy. 82450. 747-2473 '77 CHEVELLE MALIBU, by owner, 60,000 miles, air, power steering, power brakes, $2300.

Call 965-9235 PUriCTTT LnLlLlIF 'St) Model. $700 and take up P2i MM' bucket Seats, 925-6708 r-. r- oowicvnuuci nuvA 6 cylinder, air. excellent condition. $995.

Dixie Import, u2 76 CHEVY CAPRICE CLAS- SIC, outo, olr, power. Must sell. $1450. Call Mr. Jones 161-3519 00nt 76 tMEVT caprice classic 4 door, nyl top, all power, AM- 1 mi FM radio, engine ond drive roln, excellent condition, $1700, 965-2202 7a rucuv aaai iqu -i acci roiTpp.

nrZT T.r. iih COUPE, onvfm stereo with tope, air, power, Rally spoke wheels. Must sacrifice, $1850 coll Terry 868-5354 ooent. 74 CHEVY MALIBU, 2 door, body in good shape. New motor.

Needs transmission work. $1000. Call 631-7258 75 CHEVY NOVA, auto, air, power, $1695. We to nance H. L.

Motors No. 2, 235 West 70th Buy a Car SI C'JATION $6999 01 muillE S4Vy Shreveport Regional Airport 636-1212 tO CITATION 4 DOOR 4 Cylinder, air, power, cruise, like new. low mlleoge. Sprlnghlll Motors, 318-539-3575 '81 CITATION 4-door, luxury. economy 8.

performance, power, olr, stereo, bucket seats, rallve suspension, 4-speed. $7295. 688-1491 '74 IMPALA, olr, power, sharp! Financing arranged by phone: Coody't E. Texas 742-4900 KEN BURNHAM CHEVROLET Mlnden, La port Ph. 4254636 We Finance Low or No Money Down or Spot Financing.

New Credit Slow rraM Credit No Credit Anthonv's Auto Sales 6366023 76 MALIBU CLASSIC i-oooeo, new tires, excepttonat- IV clean, silver with maroon in- terior, H800 or trocit for Dtekuo. wmii iiiui win I lit- 925-2770 80 MALIBU CLASSIC 23 miles per gallon, 265 VI. cloth funt. rnilu. nm 01 if itur.

Ing ond air. $4600. 747-9262 or 747-3017 76 Malibu Classic $1100 687-7275 74 MALIBU 4 door, 55,000 miles, air, power. A-1 Condition. $1850.

635-4184 '77 MONTE CARLO Loaded, low mileage, 1 owner, best offer, must seill Call after 5pm, 925-0370 76 MONTE CARLO excellent condition, white 8 ton, $2650, NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Now selling our 1981 Model Ren- i rnw 7Ji.Jicn new engine, chew 6 evi PAJfS'1" Asking $400. 865-6605 76 NOVA. $1495 76 VEGA $1395 75 MALIBU $1295 72 VW $1295 75 MALIBU $995 '69 VW $795 73 GRAN SPORT $695 '69 CUTLASS $195 UNITED AUTO TRUCK 3000 W. 70th 687-2525 Open Sam-lpm WE FINANCE Will trade for anything The Best Car Buys Are Found In Classified xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxximxxxxxx XXXXXX))))))XXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX rr NEED AN EXPERT? To find the service people you need turn to the Classified Ads DIAL 222-5253 OPEN ttaiutiFri. 4 on You pay only $7974 sun sis '77 BUICK ELECTRA 225, am- 746-5747 ofter Spm, fm stereo with tape, electric 78 MONTE CARLO, silver with seats ond windows, velour In- V4 vinyl top, bucket seats, interior, wire wheels, vlnvl top.

fm stereo with tope, wire Would suit a new car buyer, wheels, new tires, must sell. $3650. Call Mr. Jones 869-1009 $3850. coll Rick 868-5354 ogent.

6 YARD DUMP TRUCKS CALL LARRY ANDERSON FOR IBM ft Oodgm jiiHlylROHt iJadga A 227-1234 2511 linwood BRANCH BROS. Ford-lincoln-Mcrcury 221-2444 or (311) 539-3521 Sprlnghlll, La. 71075 II FAIRMONT $6699 anreveporr Kegionai Airport 636-1212 80 FAIRMONT cylinder, AM-FM cassette, low mileoge, excellent condition. Must sell. Coll 686-5109, ofter 7.

71 FAIRMONT. 4 door, oir, power, new brake lob 8 vinyl top. Clean Co. cor. $2800.

Day, 865-0675. Night, 686-3421 80 FAIRMONT $4495 78 T-BIRD $4695 78 LTD $3195 71 MUSTANG II $3795 SHREVE AUTO SALES 1191 MANSFIELD ROAD 687-3636 79 FAIRMONT Option-34, 000 miles, owner, extras, new tires- battery $3950. 221-0646, 686-5587 71 FORD 4-door, recent tune- uo, oooo condition $700, 687-0005, 6364710 '79 FORD LTD door, wife's car, excellent condition, 44100 miles, $4475. See at 9350 Mansfield Rd. Call 486-1321 or 4I4-2884 75 FORO MUSTANG II GHIA By orlolnal owner.

Se at 2423 Line. $2495 74 FORD STATION WAGON With boot ond trailer. $1600 or best offer. Call 2264569. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY MM CHEVROLET KB WAAtttil a cm TRAFFIC ST.

EXIT OFF 1-20 742-3415 227-1234 JTlntflpM Ave. 1 oCZD 9 PERCENTAGE RATE ON ALL 1 I 81 PONTIAC PMOENIXS i ogent 76 BUICK PARK AVENUE CeiTiU t.ttlxj lsvn44 iu CMTiknaZl V-L5T I crTo a i uiiTcm Atir. eleem, must 'sacrifice $4350 LColl Tom 868-3519 ogent 75 LE SABRE Coupe, real nice! Financing arranged by phone. Coody's E. Texas 742-4900 BY OWNER.

'77 Le Sabre, extra ciean, 2-door, low mlleoge. 1 Owner. Socrlflce. $3200. wholesale.

746-0204 or 631-7649 PAY OFF BALANCE! 76 Bulck Electro Londou coupe. Low mileage, extra clean. Call 747-0965 ofter 4pm Powell Buick-Opel-GAAC 2915 Youree Dr. 869-3171 81 REGAL $76991 Snreveport Reoional Airport 636-1212 '10 REGAL Vlnvl bucket, console, omfm, 25,000 miles. Pattlson Chevrolet Bute Logon sport Shreveport Phone 222-7545 $1 REGAL $8195 I'M REGAL It ESTATE WAGON $5995 77 REGAL $3195 SHREVE AUTO SALES 8198 MANSFIELD ROAD 687-3636 '77 REGAL LANDAU COUPE, om-fm stereo with taoe, electric seats and windows.

Roily spoke wheels, need to sell $2250, Call Rick 868-5354 ooent. '79 RIVIERA, 31,500 miles, clean, 2 tone blue, velour seats, vlnvl too, electric door locks, windows ond seots, AM-FM I frock stereo, olr conditioning, locklns wire rims. 1-932-6771 before Spm; 1-932-3007 offer Som (1870) Cadillac 41 CADILLAC Sedan Devilie, looded with everything, 4-6-1 en-pine, like new condition, coll 214-693-3584 or 693-6658 CLEAN '78 Cadillac Sedan de Vine, wife's cor, 31,000 miles, 87250, 631-7504 after 6pm. 'M COUPE DE VILLC 24,000 miles, excellent condition, $11,850. Office, 1-325-5)38; After 6, 1-387 2491 '78 EL $65 '77 SEDAN DEVILLE $5795 '79 COUPE DEVILLE.

$7995 '79 DEVILLE $895 SHREVE AUTO SALES 1191 MANSFIELD ROAD 467-3636 76 EL OOP ADO. Oil extras. Like new. $3450. Financing AveiSaM, Hullett Used Cors JW 7tKh I6M7I1 a 1 1931 M30EL CLOSE-CUT SALE 82 PONTIAC J-200QS 13.8 FINAXCim -1 -1 4 I 1 rj-' i 4 AVAILABLE THROUGH GM AC TO BUYERS WITH APPOVED CREDIT 1901 VW Diesel Dasher 4 Door.

Beige finish, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, factory air, stereo radio, radial epaESmpgcity 49 mpg highway List Price Discount 1 8,995 Sale Price plus tax and llcne I CDLf i HONDA PRELUDES, 9 ACCORDS, asd CIVICS. 1 0 DISPLslV iOU XT: X.ito?mgs I 2405 Youree Dtir pf WXE Shreveport, La. 7H01 -425-2555 i 1 i flrv holmes 861-4551 i 1033 Shreveonri-B 1033 ShrevepOii-Barksdaie Hwy. MOFFinVOLKSWAGEII Does It Again! I960 Old Minden Bossier City 746-2175 ri i i aF" i.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.