Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)

Pie Twenty Oni SOUTHERN ILLINQI SAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1960 Carbondale Herrin Murphysboro Real Estate For Sale 9 Hsusehold Articles Household Articles 07-13 Real Estate Fcr Sals 09-11 CHERRY REALTY Real Estate Fcr Sals 00-11 BRACY REALTY EXCELLENT LOCATION The location of a house is very Important in making plans to buy your home. This is the reason I want you to check on this house it is on pavement, a corner lot only 1 block from grade school and a very good neighborhood. It is also a nice house with 5 rooms, bath, basem*nt, saraae and includes several rx- ti as. Check this place before you make a decision. EXPENSIVE BUT WORTH IT Yes, it takes a grod income to own this home but it is moie than worth the price ai-Ked.

There are 5 bedrooms. 2 on first floor and 3 on the second floor. It is brick with an enclosed front porch with jalo6ie windows, has a lare dining room and a breakfast nook off the modern kitchen. The basem*nt has a laundry area, storage room and recreational room. The double garage is extra large with a carport.

Yes, this is definitely an outstanding home, located in one of the better neigh born oi Herrin on a corner lot on pavement. For appointment to see these homes call BRACY REALTY Jim A Bill Bracy. Faitor 203 S. Park. Herrin.

V. I Look For The Brack Signt -09-14- SEE THIS TODAY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Here's a homa to be proud to ho our friends. A hizh class contemporary brick, with a modern spaciouj kitchea. iheie are ft; wnn wall to wail carpeting in the living room and daiing room. Eas furnaee.

air conditioned a Marble ch lifetime roof. Excellent Lnancirj aTaJable. To see call PISONI REALTY Richard Pisani, Licensed Broker 110 W. Madison, Hemn. WI 2-4435 -09-12- HERRIN AREA, HOUSE.

5 rooms, bath, i 10-15 glassed in porch, 2 acres. Taylor Cress- 1 CARBONDALE. APARTMENT. Modern. icf ll4 blocks east of highway.

Write triumphed, atove and refrigerator If Lester Scarbrough, 215 Lindsay. Metro- desired, very private. Heat and water pdj. or phost 57M. furn-shed.

112 N. Poplar, call 5-3x10. 03-14 10-12 HERRIN AREA. HOUSE. 6 room brick CAP BONDALE, APARTMENT.

Modern modem ranch, 2 baths, central air cot- I rooms unfurnished or partly full baemnt. lrge garage, ed, warcr and heat furmhw5. immedj-acres. Next to WJPF. Call YU 3-5501.

a possession. Dial GL aitr 3 09-1: CAMBRIA, HOUSE. 4 rooms, semi-mod- fin. gas heat, with or without furniture. Reasonable.

Lee Yarner, after 6 p. m. -09-16-- CAMPBELL HILL. FARM. 80 acres, house, barn and other buildings.

Well, cistern, stock pond and small creek. Reasonable, Write Box 119 or call Wiliis-vilie fcFll. 09-14- CARTERVILLE, HOUSE. 4 room, ear- cort. utility 5 room house, new roof 5 room house, new redwood siding, outbuilding on 5 aires $Ue'." Ruby J.

Plott. Salesman 86 Rodd St. l'h YU 5-4436. Raymond Williams. Broker.

09-14 CARBONDALE, HOUSE. Nice 2 bedroom home on 3 shady lots. Utility, carport, gas furnace. Immediate possession. Frakes Realty, Phre GL 7-4706.

03-14 A 3 bedroom home at 707 N. Bridge. basem*nt, b.n ted stoker, l'a baths, Icarage. fireplace, and large ahady lot. A lot of house for $11,500.

Sixty acre of ground a hort distance from Wild Life Preserve. Room fcr 3 goose pits. S7KK). A 5 room modern home on Giant City Blacktop. Full basem*nt, Sioaer, city water, and aluminum s.daig.

A 5 room modern home with glased in back porch, on 43 acres of vuind, -outh of Carbondale on U. S. 51. House ha basem*nt, furnace, water sstem, rtnd hatn. Geod barn and pond.

Buy this at and watch the value Increase ach year. A suburban hom east of arbondale, with a built in kitchen jn-. i Ud.g range, even, disposal, ash-m, and beaut JjI cabinets. 3 larre bedrooms, IVi bath, city water, od and carport. Located on acre.

Very Tr-v taxes. $13, (VO. Dill Investment CoJ REALTORS 217 W. Main Ph. ore GL 7 Sill CARBONDALE RROMi LF.

HOT''F, 4 rr-r-. v'A em. $5A0. 410 E. Hester.

Keller's Real 03-13 CARBONDALE. HOUSE. bedroom u- urban home. Utility, gas heat, birch disposal, large lot. ao i s--en -4.

by arpoiritment only. Call GL AP sRTMENT HOUSE 3 jrrnshd apaitn-ents tha'. hae a steady income. f.Jt basem*nt, rove ar.d refng'ra-fnrs and furr.i'jre grM i.hape. must be rail us and we look.

SIX rw -r-f "rre Th basmer irrer'ares. eiecf nr heat ith over, and rang, if you are interested a rew 3 Bdrom home, call us stail- irg price $13 -v. We ha. the choice PEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Cv--K'Oert GL HOUE Hs-'h S'v, V-i Freeman. 7-41 4 before 5 3) P- rn.

room Call GL .14 NEW LISirNC: 1. Th.s hme has rre of the nicest ha err. ft in central a r-cndiuorung ij anvher ut feature. Double car ga raz. Fe huge rooms ia all.

I.ot is rQ 144 If you are locking fr that comfprtabla livinf then ee th.s now-. U3 JAMES Another new htirf titjiTed rn n. Cute as can be and iwait- i-g your inspec tion. We he a fe hArre tht rruskt u.t your needs. No down payments d.rcct G.

I. loans. Drop an spe us. "SIGN OF RESULTS" Paul Brown Agcy. PHONE GL 7 CARBONDALE -W-13- KK, HOUSE.

New 4 room, utility rtv.m. bath goxj and citern, triple tier storm wm-Co'as and screens, carport with storage pa e. cl furnace, hardwood floors, built in cabinets wired for electric stove and and in a nice location, with without 10 acres, g'Xd lake site, JrA, miles south of Sparta. Phone Jack Watson. 26F1I.

-M-12- DU QUOIN HOME. Modern, Clse In Immediate possession. Phone Herman Daily LI 2-2542. 01. 1 A BOND LE.

HOUSE. 4 room, mod ern. $5,000. 413 E. Hester.

Keller's Real Estate Otfice. -0V13- LLKVILLE, HOUSE. Modem 2 bedroom, gas heat, hardwood floors throughout, attached garage. On highway. Phone Answer to Previous Puzzle rvj'Gt je" 19 Goddess 36 Follower 21 In addition 41 Sheep's bleat 23 Small candles 42 Gave food to 25 Surrender 25 Precipitation 27 Irritates 23 Mariner's direction 30 Low haunt 1 Czech river 43 Units ol distance 45 Pays attention 46 Notion 47 Bird's horn 48 Facts 49 Snoozes 32 Shakespearean 51 False god king 52 Biblical nams 23 Boat 25 Eucharistic wine vessel 53 Heavy blow 54 Peruse 57 Also sJtAoTTji Cg ETjAig L.

1 1 (ME "T-jgiNl IUe aInT" Miscellaneous Fcr Sale 8' 05-13 NEW BRICK $15 00 per 1,000 At Up WIDES OIL CO PHONE 433 MURPHYSBORO 08-13- PAINT, MURPHYSBORO. Derusto, for ail new and rusted metal. Egyptian Sales Agency, 401 S. 17th. Call 2S3.

-03-12- EDUCING MACHINES, MURPHYS-boro. Rent a Youth Line Reducer. Lose weight at home, many helpiul advantages can be yours by renting a Youth Line. Joe Gillenbergs Furniture Store, 901 Walnut St. Phone 532.

03-12 SEWING MACHINE, MARION. windows, dishes, men and women' clothes, garden tools. WY 03-12 SHOT GUNS. WEST FRANKFORT. Fa sale or trade.

Certified Dealer for Fran-rhi worlds lightest automatic, 12 Ga. 20 Ga. lbs. Also extra barrels. Athletic Billiard's Sptg.

Goods. 123 W. Mam St. Pete Mandino. Call 183.

03-1 SIMP PUMP, JOHNSTON CITY. Go-h condition, reasonable. Bath Robert Leek 1411 Burgess. YU -C3 14- VOTE A STRAIGHT PYRAMID TICKET AND SAVE Knotty hun. Roof Shingles 210 ity B.rcn Dyois.

2 3 KD Pine 2x4 Studs Latex Paint, Finest 1st joaV- 5.v 4 in -1 3.t5 6-3 a hun. Quality gal. 0J CAN ALW'A IX) BETTER AT Pyramid Lbr. Co. CARBONDALE PH.

GL 7-8154 C-0 14- FOUNTAIN, CARTERVILLE. In- ouire ia person at the Hi-Pomt Rea-tdu: ant. OS. 13 iUREOK'S 111ANSIT, METROPO-: l.s. Ore and Bu-f" gc-d cordi- tion.

uiJ make an attractive pnre 1r Write ss Georga Cor- Ls, 111 E. S.xth St. TYPEWRITERS, MARION'. Portables. irr x-tr-j.

Ea-y pam cts. Irwn Typeritfr Exchaxge E-Ji N. Court. WF.ST FRANKFORT AWNINGS IKON WORKS Manufacturers of Awnirgj ia j.t (St. aj Storm Windows Screens Ornamental Iron 13 5 Wfct Ma West Frarfo Phone 733 Wanted To Buy i2 SA IBICYCLIS.

510 N. TRICYCLES. AS-yn, GL 7-7353. 8A13 CARBON- I.EFF HIDES, MURPHYSBORO. Scrap irtn, brass, copper, batteries, radiators.

furnaces, Murphysboro Lr Metal. RA-i: CHAIRS. CARBONDALE. One pr of Victonan chairs, ladies and Upholstered condition ro problem as; as frame is good. State price ant- ed.

Write Bo C-l, c-o Southern Illinois -j an. DIVN. HURRIN. Wh, bd Phone WI 2-2S72. it FIREARMS.

HERRIN Top p1 for tvpes sh'cun and We trad for anything of Cornaghie's Call WI Real Estate Fcr Sale 03 IS- AREA. FARM. 21 Acre. South narce 4 room, full rnent.

In cose hunting ternv Helen McGfe, 12II N. State St or ca.l 3 57P1 09-16 of Or bar- Marsor. Area mes. Retirement Places Ijstirg acres- $4 down 2035 acres r.2'. 2f4 43 '-00 3 tfjiut-m home cn Mo.

Mo -50 mo. 1 acre 2 bedroom, practically new reduced to 376 acres S75M) Netted lust year 154 34-i acres rear lake, woo- G' liul rttntmmt home. List jour property with UNITED FARM AGENCY Wanda 4 Sam Glodich Representatives 1112 Walkup GL 7-6115 Carbondale II Mountain State ACROSS 61 Genus cf I Acst Virnia t21nAc leads all states in bituminous production 5 Wheeling and Weirtoa are its steel centers 8 is among its chief farm products 12 Assam silkworm 13 Age 14 Awry 15 Communits 16 Burmese wood sprite 17 Naughty child 18 Puffed up 20 Swords 22 Hops' kiln 24 State (ab.) 25 Weeps 29 Annex 31 Aged 34 Merit 35 Mimic 35 Notion (comb, fern) 37 Ditch 38 Males 39 Rip 40 Abstract being 41 Exclude 42 Take acrc3 by boat 43 Parent 44 Her 46 Moundsvflle is site of an mcund 10 Newspaper executive 55 Transaction 56 Consumed 58 Finished 59 Italian city OSccd container Hi. nuuuaiiu 63 Distress signal 64 Rendered 1st of swine DOWN 1 Wax 2 Russian city 3 Opera by Verdi 4 Endure? 5 Twists 6 Masculine appellation 7 Natural channels Cabman (coll.) 0 Hideous monster 10 Bring up 11 Seines i 3 Jl is 1 I Ti 40 4l 4-3 S3 Real Estate Fcr Sals 9 03-13 2228 ALEXANDER MCE 4 room with utility, gas heat, concrete and tile floors, carport, dry walls, good financing. Only $3600.

WE still have some nice farms left. meat stiouiU rtvjve beiore spring. Now the time to buy. Ebersohl Agency I hone MURFinSBORO -J53-14- RIDGE, BL TLDLNG. About 21' D6', exccller.t condition.

lots) Siy.x'J. Mabel Demster, 3.0 W. College, Carbondale. UNION COUNTY, HUNTING ABE A. loo Acres commercial timber on chute of Mi5s-ssippi River, sir gin soil for future cultivation.

Ducks, Geer', coon, squirrel, rner fishing, etc. Dillard Realty Agency, 117 N. Herrin. Phone WI 2-3213. Rentals -10-13- 4REA, ROUSE.

3 rooms and bath, furnished Call GL 7-2331. Carbondale n-i7 AREA. HOUSE. Modern. Furnished or unfurnished.

Call GL 7-5613, Carbondale. 10-1 ft CARBONDALE. APARTMENT Ldeal. 3 nicely furnished, private entrance and bath, $3 for two.

PLose GL 7-4300. -I0-3- CARBONDALE. APARTMENT. Ijirge, first floor. Suitab'e for family or group.

Furnished or unfurnished. Centralis located. Phone GL 7-460. 10-14 CARBONDALE, APARTMENT. 3 room, furnished.

All modern. For couple or students. Phone GL 10-13- -4733. CARBONDALE. APARTMENT.

5 furnished. Pnvate bath. Call GL 7-8273. 10-17 CARBONDALE. APARTMENT.

1 rom furnished, upstairs. 200 W. Elm. -10-12 CARBONDALt. APARTMENT.

Student boy in share apartment, two blocks from Campus. Phone GL --2033. r-12 CARBONDALE, APARTMENTS. Two 4 room, modern, triumlshed. Dial GL 7- 6203.

m. 10-1' CARBONDALE. APARTMENT. furnished, also housetrauJer, Inquire 40 E. Walnut.

-10. CARBONDALE. AP.4JITMENT. T9, rc-oini tor Pno ie GL CARBONDALE re 2 bedrco-n bedroom house. APARTMENT.

Call GL 7-7533, one 2 CARBONDALE, APARTMENT. Nw 4 rrx'tr-s and bath, furnished. Cot. pie. CaU Gl 7-8025 or GL 7-f4I.

VRBONDLE, APARTMENT. Very modern. 2 bedrooms, Lvirs; kitchen, ad huh, crJuraLhd. 7C-B James. $3V Studertls ar.d Children welcome.

Ca.l GL 7-2026 CARBONDALE, APARTMENT. rorrt. heat and water furr.isrd. 1st T-r. Con-tact b'A W.

Oik. phens GL 7-7oC6. CARBONDALE. BAsem*nT APART-ment. Drj, warm, aad clean Completely furnished.

Comfortable and attractive Electric refnzerator and s'o'-c. Private bsth. Fine for ihre s'j-d-rts ft 5j tah pr eefc or t-r wnk-irg cocp'c. Worth the price. Nice room separates apart' mert from furr.ace room.

2 N. Spnng-er. Ca.i OL 7-'. j. or GL 7-5324 IS C' GL 7-7 DALE, HOUSE.

2 bedroom. D.aJ CRFONDALE. KOt'SE. 4 rorr.s. Psrk St.

Rr.dsl Cfcaprr.a. Phon GL 7-51 yv 11-12 ABBONDALE. HOUSE. I be-iroom, rr.xjrn. Basrrrerl, sicker hea'.

Veil j-v csied htven 1 3 ad SIU, S30. Phoi Gi 7-6175. After 6 p. m. pber GL 7-4506.

10-17 CARBONDALE. HOUSE New Bnck, SkyLne Drive, $125. Dial GL 7-! 816. CARBONDLE, HOUSE. 4 rvpv all mv-ders.

uriurnished, ad.rsi-'g SIU ttrr.p-j.ii or. Forest, l'iJ I orest. CARBONDALE. HOUSE. 5 ri-ern 2 bedrooms.

Full basemert, atuv malic oil brat. Large lVj lot. fully landscaped. Attached garage. N.

AJ-mord Would sell. Phone GL af-ter 7 p. m. CARBOND.Ui: EOUSETR.yi.ER Spaca, Keller's rrailer Park. E.

Park. lu-17 CARBONDALE. HOUSETRA1LER. Nw 2 bedroom housetrailer, block from SIU. Girls or couple.

Phone GL 7-4144 befora 5:30 p. m. 1M7 CARBONDALE. HOUSETRAILER. New.

Couple or girls only 1 block from campus. Available immediately. 116 E. Park No. 7.

10-18 CARTERVILLE. HOUSETR MLER AiH modern trailer spaces. Call Ml 5-4711. 10-12 CARBONDALE, ROOM. Pnva entrance.

300 W. Pecan. Call GL 7-4373. 10-16 CARBONDALE. ROOM.

Working girt or student to share room in pnvata home. GL 7-4795 aiter p. m. 10-17 CARBONDALE. ROOM.

Working maja. Rent reasonable. Good location. 211 W. Walnut.

CARBONDALE, ROOMS. Single bed. Lavatory. 305 W. Mam.

Phone GL 4368. CARBONDALE. ROOM. Worfcrf twtltw man or student boy. Phone GL 7-4350.

i- C.4JIBONDALE. ROOM. Vacancy. Wita or without cooking. Also, housetrailer space on private lot.

Phone GL 7-6155. io-n CARBONDALE. ROOMS For boys With co*cking privileges or meals Included Call 7-7842. -10-16- C.RTERV1LLE. APARTMENT.

3 rBl. new, water furnished, disposal. 407 S. Division. Call Johnston City YU 3 5751.

10-17 CARTER VTLLE. APARTMENT. 3 rooms, modern, furnished, carage. 136 Walnut, Phone YU 5-2S21. T.

W. Council. 10-18 CARTERVILLE. HOUSE Suburban aemt modern. Furnished.

YU G-3117. 10-17 CARTERVILLE, HOUSE. New 3 bedroom, utility, gas furnace, completely modern. $105 pr month. Contact owner at 611 Mulberry St.

Phone YU 5-5331. 10-17 CARTERVILLE HOUSES. 3 room only S5 week, large 3 room, insulated, bath, hot water, accept children. Also 4 room 2 bedroom, pavement, bath. larga shady lawn, extra large lot 100 ft.

wide," Real beauty, 3 bedroom, large laundry room 14 by 24 In basem*nt, accept children, furnace heat, bath, beautiful hardwood floors. Get best for least, 8 minute drive to Carbondale. Come Carterville Crossroads, Martin Cowan. 10-14 EDEN PARK MOTEL. APARTMENTS.

2 and 3 rooms, furnished; unfurnished cottage. 3 miles south of Herrin. 10-14 HERRIN. APARTMENT. Modern, furn-Uhtd.

t-'Q1! N. 14th. Call WI 2-4U9. 1018 HEKRIN APARTMENT. 3 room, fur-inched, private bath.

Adults. S. llih. HERRTN. APARTMENT.

West Maple St. 10-14 HERRIN. APARTMENT. S. 13th after 4:30 p.

m. Furnished. 923 4 rooms, 901 10-12 HERRrN, APARTMENT. 3 rooms, for niheL privata. 400 N.

10 2nd Entertainment 6 06-13 APPLES. CARBONDALE. Jonathan, Delicious, Golden Delicious, Arnold Orchards, 1 mile south on Route 51. 06-17 T1SH, DE SOTO. Fresh Kentucky Luke Cih, Rome Killed Meats, Fresh Fruits nd Vegetables, apples, Sorghum, Cider.

Cpen 7 days a week from 7:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Four Way Market, Phone UN 7-2W2.

06-13 FRESH ArPLE CIDER, CARBON-dale. Jonathan, Red and Golden Delicious apples. Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Grape Juice, Country Sorghum. New Crop Honey, etc. Mc-Guires Packing House, 7Vi miles south en Carbondale on U.

S. 51. Open 7 a. m. to 7 p.

m. Dial GL 7-6536. 06-12 ENS. ENERGY. Dressed, ready lor freezer.

33c lb. Lela Elders. 06-16 PIT BAR B-Q ARE Sen-Ins delicious plates of ribs ind barbecue chicken. East Mam Carbondale, GL 7-2242. Of-13 VPTOW.V KITCHEN.

MARION. En-ioy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open Monday through Saturday, 108 S. Madison. Household Articles 7 -07-12- ATPLIANCE TRUCK.

HERRIN Coming to town Thursday. Friday, Saturday. 13th, 14th, 15th. Sears. 07-14 AUTHORIZED DEALER KR0EHLER LhLrg Room Bedroom MOHAWK CARPETING FROST FURNITURE IXm.YlOWN CAR'I ERVILLE YU 5-6701 07-12 All Model Hriirii'Mpd Organ Hw.nv'iHl Organ Studio 1010 Election Dr Benton, GE 8-7931 07-14 OUWILLE.

Saturday (Vt. Uih m. at Suie Walters. Com- r'fto household furnishings, plywood fishing boat. items too numerous too mention.

07-12 Al'lOMATIC WASHER, CARBONDALE. Norce refrigerator 13Q; Steve. $45; Shampowr, $3. DO. Call GL 7 637.

07-13 APPLIANCES, boNDALE. Special rmrs on Raxcs. Red igcra'rs and Washers from Oct. to 15th. We trade Also 10 ft.

Push-button steel tape Ibn rakes, Gambles, Hotic ored by Dennis Hnvv AUTOMATIC WASHER. HERRIN. Ken mnre. witn suds saver. Good.

WI 2-5680. PBY CRIBS. Ml'RPHYSRdRO. Two. Like n'A.

Pheno "77-V. Bathroom Fixtures Used Good Cond.hon Reasonable- WELLER'S 12W W. MAIN CARBONDALE -07-14- BLUE LUSTRE SHAMPOO. CAREON'-dale. Free use of our Carpet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo.

Patterson's Hardware. Carbondale. 07-1 RVIHROOM SETS, ELDORADO. 3 piece was $203.30. now only $143.50 at Uzzle's Furniture Store, U.

S. Rt. 45. 07-1 4 r- mTrnvTT r. Half i7e.

com- plcte. Extra good. $20. Mrs. Ea-1 Ven- able YU 5-3136.

07-12 BEDROOM SUITE, ALTO PASS. Drapes, beds, tables, chairs. Call 218F21. 07-12 BUNK BEDS, MURPHYSBORO. Set cf 2 beds complete with mattresses $69 00.

These beds are superior in strength, ex-crlient for student rooming houses. IV Sleeper Lounees $53.50. 5x12 linoleum rugs $4.35. Joe Gillenbergs Furniture Store 301 Walnut Phone 532. 07-12 CLOTHES DRYERS (2) Used Electric Frieidaires Excellent Condition TRICED AT ONLY $100 SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS HECKEL'S DOWNTOWN CARTERVILLE YTJ 5-2411 -07-17- COAL FURNACE.

HERRIN. Small, complete, good condition. Phone WI 2-3048 alter 4 p. m. 07-1 7 COAL HEATERS.

HERRIN. Duo Hub-ians Florence, Estates, Warm Mornings, 1.15. Stearns Stokermatie Sales, 720 S. tUi. Call WI 2-5716 or WI 2-5438.

07-13 CUSTOMIZED DRAPERIES DESIGNED AND MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU MURRAY'S 1023 Main Phone GL 7-6416 Carbondale -07-12- DEEP FREEZE. MURPHYSBORO. Up right 12 cu ft. 3 years old. $125 00.

Phone 136 or 4.31 N. 16th. 07-1 3 DRAPFRIES New Fall Lines Now Complete Custom Made Draperies And Slipcovers Fabrics By The Yard SAWYER PAINT WALLPAPER 3u6 S. Illinois Ave. Phone GL 7 8143 Carbondale -07-13- DR-VPERIES.

MURPHYSBORO. Made free. Over 100 patterns to select from, your choice lined or unlined, made to your measurements at your P. N. Hirscb Co.

Store. 07-12 ELECTRONIC ORGANS Slightly Used Priced From $350 YU1LL MUSIC RERR FN -07-13- FVB ACES. CARBONDALE. All Makes F'urnaces, stokers, boilers, like new. Air Conditioners and Used.

Nr Down Payment. Full Financing. Na tional Ht-jtin Phirnbiri, t' Bru L.oO U. M.nii. CtU GL 7 7441 or GL 7 2.

H'KNACE BLOWERS, HERRLN. Bovvers with cabinet Sleurn's Stokermatie Sales, 720 S. WI 2 5438 or WI 2-5716. -07-17- FURNACE. HERRIN.

22 inch Holland furnace, stfcr, controls and blower tlbn. Steam's Stnkermatic Seles, 720 10. WT 5 5433 or WT 2 5716 -07-14- Fl'RNACES, WEST FRANKFORT. Gas. oil, heat pump, air conditioning.

Fife estimates. No money down up to 5 yesrs to pay. Furnace cleaning, guttering. The it Tin Shop, Your Lennox Dealer South Highway 37. Call 976.

07-14 FURNITURE. CARBONDALE. 4 room oil heater, $15; 15,000 BTU fas heater. Eendix automatic washer, $15; electric range, $10; electric motor. $10; metal wardrobe, $5.

CaU GL 7-4706. -07-13 FURNITURE, HERRIN. Cheap but good. We have three new loads of furniture traded in on Mobile homes. For any household need, com to Serv-U-TraUer Sales in Herrin.

-07-17 FURNITURE. JOHNSTON CITY. Downtown! Fall Festival Time never before, prices so low! 3 piece bedroom suites 590.50. 2-piece living room suites $99.50, 5 piece breakfast sets $42.50. 9 12 carpets $20.50, 9 12 linoleum Silver Seal $4.95.

chairs-regular $49.50 now $19.95, lamps-regular $12.50 now (2) for $11.83. laundry baskets regular $195 now 79c. Special discount on drop Mohawk carpets, wall to wall your home, East Broadway Furniture downtown Johnston City. -07-U GAS FURNACE. HERRIN.

Rheem 100.. 000 BTU, Lke new. $130. Stearns Stoker-matic Sales. 720 S.

9th St. Phone WI 2-5716 or WI 2-5438. 07-17 IGS FURNACE. HERRIN. Bryant Floor furnace 75.000 BTU.

Steam's Stokermatie Sales, 720 S. 9th. WI 2-5716 cr WI 2-5433. 07-14 HEATER, FREEMAN SPUR. Florence, coal circulator, good condition $-5 WI 2-4217.

07-3 HEATER. HERRIN. Coal. A-l condition. 812 W.

Harrison. 07-12 HEATER, HERRIN. Large Moore. K8 N. 25th.

phone WI 2-2410. EATERS. MURPHYSBORO. Warm Morning. Buy now while selection is complete and trade in values are hieh.

We ofier a complete line of full automatic gas heaters with blowers. Prices are reasonable. Joe Gillenbergs Furniture Store 901 Walnut St. Phone 592. 07-12 HEAVY WEIGHT LINOLEUM RIGS I 11 12 12 I 7 95 $10 95 HECKEL'S DOWNTOWN CARTERVILLE YU 5 2411 HEATER.

HERRIN. Large Estate, W. Monroe, phone WI 2-233S. Homemakers Special SIESTA GROUP $428 Complete Rooms of New Furniture Including Reconditioned Refrigerator and Range $4.50 WEEKLY THE ORIGINAL THE ONLY FREDMAN BROS. 213 Park.

HERRLN, CALL WI 16111 -07-13- LIVING ROOM SUITE, CARTERVILLE And blonde end tables, coffee table. Good condition, 403 Washington, phone YU 5-5327. 07-17 LIVING ROOM SUITE, CARBONDALE. Green. $65.

GL 7-6367. C7-13 NEW USED HEATERS Coal (Warm Mornings Ic Florence) Oil and Gas HATHAWAY'S Downtow-n Johnston City, YU 3-2521 -07-16- OIL HEATERS. CARTERVILLE 2 ore with twin burners. 275 gallon oil tank. 60' copper tubing.

202 Locust. 07-14 OIL HEATER. M.AKANTM. Siefler kit-cricn heater, automatic control, good condition. Dial GL 7-6136.

07-18 OIL SPACE HEATER. CARBONDALE. With automatic controls. Practically new. Phone GL 7-6088.

07-17 ORG HERRIN. 13'3 Baldwin Orgas-onic, like new, 1621 N. 14th. -07-13- Pianos Organs J. W.

MILLIGA.N Carbondale, Ph. GL 7-2731 or GL 7-8334 -07-17- PIANO, W. FRANKFORT. Upright in good condition. 307 S.

Odle. Phone 330R. 07-12 Reconditioned TV Sets Admiral-CBS-Crosley-Fireslone-Gcneral Electnc-Magnavoc-Motorola-Muntz-Philco entinel-Silvert one-Stew art Warner-West mghouse-Zenith. All screen sizes, styles and finishes. FROM $39.95 DURALL TV CENTER 1400 W.

Main, MARION Ph WY 3-5R13 410 S. Illinois, CARBONDALE GL 7-80') -07-E POWDER ROOM SETS. ORIENT. White, consisting erf lavatory, with faucets, and closet fcets, $35. Nancy Plummer.

07-13 HANGE. electric 36' G002. CARBONDALE. deepwell, $35. Dial GL 7- -07-15- RANGE, PROSPERITY.

30" Fngidairsv electric, good condition. Will trade for gas range. Call YU 3-3149 after 4 p. m. 7 L2 REFRIGERATORS.

CARBON A R. Used. Name Brands, guaranteed, $25 and up. L. H.

Paul Plumbing Heating, W. Sycamore. Call GL 7-4616. C7-17 REFRIGERATOR. HERRIN.

Good condition. Reasonable. 1213 S. FarkWI 2-2367. -07-14-- RUG CLEANER.

MARION. We loan carpet shampooers at no cost with pur chase of Blue Lustre shampoo. Green's Paint and Wallpaper Store. WY 3-6251. C7-U JOHNSTON CITY.

12 15' braided. 100 wool, brown and yellow. 50 E. 9th. phone YU 3-3486.

07-13 SALE SALE SALE Living Room Suites Bedroom Suites Dining Room Suite Dinettes and Lamps DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES BFJ FURNITURE WEST FRANKFORT 311-17 M.ii Fl.ui. 12k 07-17 SEWING MACHINE. CARBONDALE. Cabinet Model Singer with buttonhole attachment; bookcase; other items. Phone GL 7-8302.

07-17 STOKERS, HERRIN. Guaranteed stokers and controls $0. Steam's Sloker-matie Sales, 720 S. 9ih. WT 3-5433 or WT 2 5716.

SPECIAL TRICED MAPLE Kitchen Cabinets $245 Waterproof, prefinished factory -made tabinets. Beautiful formica top, all ready tc set in your kitchen. 8 ft. base unit complete with double sink complete to floor and 8 ft. upper units.

Compare anywhere, you'll find "Marsh" oilers the best for the money. FHA terms available. l-ict esUmate on your exact kifeh- n. Built-in ovens, range tops, refrigerators are available. Coloric color Coordinated kitrhen includes built in gas oven, burner top.

double sink and ranze hood, compete tonly $275 on special price Match-td colors BOB STOTLAR LUMBER YD. INC 420 Park. HERRIN. 1 2-3144 07-1R STOKER. CARTERVILLE RT.

I. Used. Good condition. Phone WT 2-4554. 07-17 STOKERMATICS.

HERRIN. Str.kermat ic is your best buy. Tried and proven by over 2.000 enthusiastic users in Southern Illinois, ask your neighbor, he has one! As low as $381 and your I'M heater. No money down, all the time ou need. Steam's Stokermatie Sales, 720 S.

9th. Phone WI 2-5438 or WI 2 5716. 07-1 4 MOVE. CARBONDLE. Coal.

Enam' casing. $25 Lock good. Phone Frank' tore cr GL 7-7954 after 5 p. m. STOVE.

CARBONDALE. Frieidaire Ec Inc. 30'' oven. Phone KL 7-4335. 07-17 Trade in Your Old Heater On A Stoker Hea'cr No Money Down Bryan Furniture Carbondale, Marion, West Frankfort -07-14- USED BARGAINS Herers Washers Refrigerators $29.95 up SCHAFFNER-ACE Ill E.

Cheriy. HERRLN. CaU 1 2 3746: o7-i SED STOKERS. CARBONDALE. Hertter's Mkt.

5 mile South on '51. 07-13 USED TV CLOSE OUT Jim Sca-tt TV 121 S. Park. Herrin, Call WI 2 4f WASHER AND DRYER. HERRIN.

irghouse Laundromat. Perfect condition. Cheap. 1208 S. Tark Ave.

Miscellaneous For Sale 8 ARC ol! WEU)ER, FERGUS. 2 amp, Marauetfe. $125. Sam Farris. 03-13 All Kinds of Steel.

New UsJ I Beams. Angles. Pipes, etc Pollack Bros. West Frankfort, Phone 9 ANGLES, MURPHYSBORO. Structu.a! steel; re-rods, plates, culverts, ta-ks.

auto parts, clothe line posts, etc Murphysboro Iron Si Metal Co r.3-17 ANTIQUES, CARBONDALE. Stocked for1 Christmas Glass colored. art. cut; lamps; onion haviland; Bee hive: flow blue; Staffordshire; many rea-; son ably priced. Open aiter two.

1219 W. Mcan-iore. Upstairs back. Mrs. R.

Hay. 0313 I ANTIQUE regomrg collecting to 10 m. AUCTION. CARTERVILLE. r.tiq'ie Shp 2 vears of Oct.

12, 13. 14. 15th. 8 a m. -ca 12- ARCHERY EQUIPMENT.

CARBON-daie. i.vt equipment. Free Archery Range. Prepare now for drr season. Get your equipment row from Art's Sport "Shop.

Old Route 13 East. 03-17 BICYCLE. CARBONDALE. Girls 24 inch, $14. GL 7-6367.

BICYCLES. TRICYCLES. CAR RON -dale. Also repairs, 510 N. Aliyn, GL 7- 7353.

RO M'S, ELDOR MH). Just arried line of Spitfire fiberciass buy row and save at UzT-ie's Furniture Store, U. S. 45, Tremendous discounts. 03-12 Boats Motors YEAR END SALE REDUCTION TO 40 MORE On Glasspar Boats Mercury Outboard Boating Accessories Ski Equipment USCG Approved Fire Extinguisher Chrome Plated Was $18.95 Now $12.93 Boats Motors 601-B E.

Main St. Phone GL 7-4243 Carbondale -08-14- CompSete Line Bobbie Brooks Hookers Downtown Carterville Open Friday Nights -0313- CHURCH SPORTING GOODS It's Gun Tradm' Time See Th New Light Weights Brownings, Remingtons, Winchestert Also New Used Rifles Pistols 100 S. Park, Herrin, Call WI 2-4971 -C8-16- DYING EQUIPMENT, HERRIN. Wet or dry. Complete.

Cheap. Call WI 2-5139. 08-16 GUNS, CARBONDALE. Rifles, shotguns, pistols. New and Used.

Easy Terms. Large of used guns. Sc Boats Motors, 601-B E. Mam St. Phor.e GL 7-4242.

08 -1 8 GUN SHOW. CARBONDALE. Every Sunday 415 E. Main. 03-1 7 GUNS, HERRIN.

Rifles, shot guns and pistols. New or used. Small down payment. El' terms on bnlance. We trade for anything of value.

Cornaghie's. phor.e WI 08-1 3 HUNTING NEEDS Uuck end Couse decoys, hip boots, hunting coats, shells and all other needs. (Irandpa Johns Store. N. Rt.

13 '27. Open everyday, 8:30 to p. m. Murphysboro. -08-18- I BEAMS, DOWELL.

Over 200 Ton Iron and Iron, 2 and 3 inch tubes suitable for garages, also used firebrick. Cobin Salvage Yard in HI Phone ElkvUle 4561. 03-13 MCKS. MURPHYSBORO. Lever, screw and hvdrauhc.

Simplex line. Egyptian Sules Agency, 401 S. 17th. Cull 221. vl Eh i l.s, in.KKl.v ah kwid.

iwr quilt piece. Iti ftaCi, truvt.ctiliK' slaps etc. Suld by the pund. l.jtc assortment. Open 3 a.

in. tu p. m. 409 S. Park, In rear.

03-12 MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE. MURPHVS- boro. A. B. Dick, also cabinet, used 4 months, phone 83.

TYPEWRETER. HERRrN. Underwood upright. 710 S. 13th.

phone WT 2-4014. i NEW LISTING CARTERVILLE. Nice i bedroom home, full basem*nt, 2 blrjcka from town. Excellent buy in Carterville. $6,500.

GI No Down Payment. Call us for details. IT'a ON OLD 13. EAST. Two bedroom and iu.1 basem*nt hoir.e mi v.eii landscaped 7.

250 lot, for $14 000. It has garage, TV antenna, 2 way aluminum storm windows, lots of storage space, and neat as a pin. Don't wait because this will sell in a hurry! A LISTING with 7 rooms plus utility ad large carport, ths 2 year old beauty has 64 1S (very nice landscaping), excellent neighborhood in low tax area. DRIVE BY, YOU'LL LIKE IT 1 I 713 N. Springer.

FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW at 30) W. Cherry is ideal for family wanting close to stores, or for student income. Can be bought on good terms, and possession will be given in 30 days. $11,000. NEW LISTING Very desirable 1 bed roem, ail bnck ranch atyie home, located in SW.

Wall to wall carpeting, plenty of birch cabinets. Excellent neighborhoodone hlock from Winkler School. Ready for immediate possession, CALL US TODAY! BRANT) NFW bedroom ramblers arr row available for $700 down, monthly payments less than rent. Four different models, on good lot within walking distance of Muroale Shopping Center. Come out and talk to us about these.

WE TRADE for your equity in your present home! QERRY REALTY "We Sell The Earth Ar.d Insure WTiat's On It" CHERRY R. E. ETHER TON CHARLES GOSS-A. GRIFFLN REALTORS Murdaie tir.g Center Phrme GL 7-8177 Carbondale -03-13- Just this rpLit-level home you must l'-i baths, plastered, storm wus-d'ws, basem*nt (fceatirg cost lat year patio, carport. Lot 150.

$17,000. Hate )ou been waiuuf for a auburban hrr.e: have them from $,500 to $30 fHis is a sacrJica brt Trust sell, in Mir. jphssocro a very mre l-tom brick with 8 lots on 9b St. CaU us for details. MR.

MRS. We reed raof property to ELL. We hava just sold 5 homes oil cur I tcr.e 24 krs. aiter sign west wp). We are r.ot home builders therefore ot our time selLng our heme our cL'n's like our extra wmc! We Sell! Trade! START PACKING When you fast with Levelsmier Agcy.

W. Main Carbondale, GL 7-3IM 14- CHARLIE SAYS "Thre are many reasons uhy v.rr dress as they do and nearly every ce is a man. Spice Frerrthing In this cr.arrr.inz home that combine bau-1 fy and stjie perfectly, rhe ivir.g room 1.23 feet carpeted vtall to s'i The fctchra provide pleoty of room for eat- r.g. 2 b-cdrooms with targt ilos-i hardwor Hoors, aluminum stonri wmdows. alaminuxn ilutr.mara 4 basem*nt w-th crl turnace.

12 car garage located on 2 acre tract -i rules east of SIU. Campus 'n Lake- land achooj district. Hurry this one will sell fast. YES, YES, YES You'll find it hard to say no six room one floor plan home to this located adjacent to Lakeland school. Cheer all these features "YES" and youTJ see why.

Insulation, jalousie type windows, large sealed attached garage, gas heat, three bedrooms, carpeted Imr.g room, shower beautifully plastered walls, baJt-to oea and range, birch cabinets, stone, planner, pull-down slairwav to attic, concrete driveway, reasonable price. $17,500. See for yourself. Call us. MURDEN Real Ett Agencr Always a Parkirj Place C.

L. Murden Morrli Eaton Ira E. Parrish 1000 West Main Carbondale Phor.e GL 7-6571 -09-12- LIMPUS REALTY DONT ENT YOUR LANDLORD Vou too, can become ouner of this 4 family apartment house. Just listed, the southwest locaUon, and the flue rental income afford a truly unusual investment opportunity! Each apartment has own bath, kitchen and private entranc. Available furnished rr unfurnished.

$13 b00 full price. Phon GL 7-141. FIN'E HOME NEAR LAKELAND SCHOOL Owner must aell thij exceptionally fine new built 3 bedroom brick home with larpe basem*nt. On huge lot, it oifera custom interior, completely equipped kitchen with all new appliances, carpeted living room. Cannot be reproduced any where near the nelhng price of only $25,000.

Phone GL 7-8141 HOME OPPORTUNITY We will trade your present home or equity on one of the new ranchers and rpiit-levels cow nearing completion in choice SW area. Splendid financing available. For the best deal of the season, investigate now! Phone GL 7-8141. These fjne homes can be completed to your exact specifications. Ask for: M.

J. Myers. E. K. Limpus "the man to see" LIMPUS REALTY 700 W.

Main, Carbondale GL 7-8141 CAREONDALE HOUSE FOR SALE Convenient To Almost Everything 4 Etfdrwwfa Ranch Jarga corusr U. Ciue to Lincda School SIU Campus Newly redecorated and landscaped Every Convenience Easy Term SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT CALL GL 7-4144 BEFORE P.M. -C3-H- HERRIN. HOUSE, or terms. 1521 West Oak.

Cajh HEKRIN. HOUSE. 2 bedroom rnoderP. biorka at LincoLn School oo pavement. Beighborhood, exccilect condition, only $,50.

Bv appo-ntmert. Dillard Realty Arency. 117 N. 14th. WT 2-3213.

00-12 HERRIN, ROUSE. Modem 4 rooms bath, wall to wall closet, gas floor '-r nace, 1416 W. Ha-rn-n. Call WI 2-3308. -09-1 3- HERRIN.

HOUSE. 2 -bedroom, -ve 'i So-jth Side School. Reasonable. CaJ WI 2 5150. r-14 WHAT-A BUY! Thu fi.e iinie home ia EgypUan iras 4 rooms, a knotty iLtrhen caDinets ard is heated with a gas floor furr.ace.

LET THE OTHER MAN PAY Better Than Average Duplex EgTTtiaa Heights One rented, wi; Take ttur paymeEts. (Both) have 5 rooms, 2 completely modern, gas heat. PISONI REALTY R.c '-ard Licensed Brrker 110 W. Madron, Heirxa WT 2-4435 HURST OS 13 HOUSE. 5 rooms.

Attractne. Park Russell St. C3-14- MARION AREA, LOTS Tele Jn MCimty of H'Zh'-ay Interstate a.rd freeway 13. Business pertiel great. Phone GL Carbrmdaie.

09-ia MARION. HOUSE. 5 rcorr.s. 1 bthj. 5 glassed in porches.

0:1 heat. Can be made in'o duplex. Price $7,000. 2 E. Mitchell.

WT 3-4973. 09-17 MARION. HOUSE. 3 bedjocmi. 3 ers old, excellent location, many extras.

WY 3 -0. -09-13- MARIOV. TRAME BLTLDING. Good condicon, for moing cr Teckir.g. Marion Motors.

Isc. WY 3-2161. 09-13 MARION. PROPERTY. Plot of ground.

Route 13 East. 2 homes, 2 store buildings, aemca station, shed, 3 storage tanks, railroad switch. 3-33. 0-M7 MARLSkSA. FARM.

80 acres. 4 miles S. Randolph Co. Wm. Nittsche.

-09-17 MURPHYSBORO. PROPERTY. 5 room all modern house, full basem*nt, gas heat. 1S32 Spruce. 4 room all modern house, full basem*nt, oil heat, 1309 Gartside.

4 room ail modern house, basem*nt, stcker heat, 11C4 N. 20th. 3 bedroom all modem house at 1519 1 S. 5 room all modern house, large lot, facing Lake end of S. 15th St.

5 rxm all modern bnck, full basem*nt, stoker heat, corner lot, 1332 Maple St. 5 room ail modern house fall basem*nt, Kennedy. 5 room all modern bouse full basem*nt, carport. 1503 Kennedy. 4 room all modern house, gas heat at 1315 Gartside, Reduced to sell.

Murphysboro Abstract 1021 Chestnut, $ee Robert E. Ficgar. Phone 341. NEW 1 BEDROOM BIRCH Cabireta. Only $300 00 down, payments less than rent.

USED 3 bedroom on Walnut Street, close to High School, Modern, New Heatia plant. HAROLD W. K0EHN Murphysboro Lbr. Co. Phone 47 Days or 1558-W Nita -0M7- MURPHYSBORO.

HOUSE. room, for sale or will trade for a good housetrailer. 1116 N. 11th St. Call 1641J.

09-12 ODDS AND ENDS FOR RENT: Modern 5 bedroom home with basem*nt and stoker, f03 N. 22nd, 2103 Division, 511 North 4 room modern apartment at 2015 Walnut. 9 ROOM MODERN HOME, close to downtown. Ideal for room rentals J6.7C0 MODERN HOME highway $6,000 on 1V4 acres, just off MODERN WELL LOCATED 2 bedroom home, basem*nt, fireplace, large lot, garage, near school g-o-o-d financing 100 ACRES, good house, land lays good, 6 miles from town, good road 138 ACRES, buildings, mtles from Orchard Hills $12,000. 125 ACRES.

miles from Carbondale. ovr imit flouts, Ural tu rll jn sotall ilots. REIMAN REALTY 1003 Chestnut, Murphysboro, Phone 924 -4)9-1 BOYALTON, HOUSE. 4 room, corner lot, CaU Zeigler )Y -51W). i 54r4 L-JLJ fJZ i p.

4 UJ 3 1 53 3 MIMI IMMH WBKBL.

Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.